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Describe how to secure support for the change process from senior management-Demonstrate how individuals in the organization will be supported during the change process.

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This unit is about identifying opportunities for change, modelling the change process and managing the change to produce expected outcomes.

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

Understand the forces for change in an organization.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Please click here and read this document before continuing
1.1 Determine the organizations position in the sector and market within which it operates. 1.2 Identify an opportunity for change, in support of the organizations objectives 1.3 Discuss a model or method to identify a change process and the communication of that change process

1.1 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.
There are several ways of describing an organizations position in its sector –size of turnover and profit are common. You will need to be able to obtain the figures for your organization. You will then need to get an idea of the sector, to be able to determine your organizations position within it. There may be a lot of information publicly available, depending on the nature of your organization. You could contact the relevant government department who keep records about your sector and other organizations in it. (Sector Skills Council, Office for National Statistics and Companies House in the UK) for information on your main competitors. You could carry out a web based search or contact professional bodies and trade associations as they often hold data on the sector as well, which they may be willing to share. Additionally, you should be familiar with market and environmental analysis tools, such as PESTLE and Porter’s 5 Forces.

Research and write down a list of ways you might describe the sector your organization operates in. Carry out a PESTLE analysis on your own organization and analyze the results.

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

1.2 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.
Using a real-life example would be helpful for this section. If possible, base your answer on your own organization, even if the change you identify is not one that will be considered by the organization (although your suggestion should be realistic). It would be helpful to re-iterate the organizations objectives (or at least the one your planned change applies to) at the start of your answer.

From the PESTLE analysis in 1.1, what would you suggest is changed to achieve the organizations objectives? Write down your conclusions.

1.3 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.
There are many models you may wish to consider (such as Kotter, Lewin and Burke-Litwin but all agree the importance of planning and communication. Identify the model you wish to use and explain why you think it is appropriate for your organization and the changes you are planning. You also need to describe how you are going to communicate your changes to those that are involved and others than need to know.

Consider a change that your organization could or is making. Using the CMI Checklist, item 6 (Communicate Clearly), what actions should you take to ensure this is fully effective?

Be able to assess the impact of the change process
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Please click here and read this document before continuing
2.1 Evaluate the impact of the change process on individuals in the organization

2.2 Assess the impact of the change on organizational stakeholders.

2.3 Analyze the impact of the change on achievement of organizational objectives

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

2.1 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.
Again, there is a lot of literature available (such as Fullan , Conner, Cameron & Green (go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Cameron and Green Change’ into the search box and select the E-Book ‘Making Sense of Change Management’); Van De Ven and Kubler Ross about how individuals cope with change and you may wish to refer to this to help with your answer and how to manage the people affected (they may be angry, become withdrawn, work harder and longer hours or disengage completely). The changes are likely to impact differently on different people and different groups of people. You may wish to start this section by identifying the factors that you will use to assess the impact of the change.


Consider a group of people in your organization and a change they have faced or may have to face. Using your studies, how might they be feeling at each stage of the change process?

2.2 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

It would be helpful to start this section by identifying the group of stakeholders you are considering and again, the factors by which you will measure the impact of the planned change. Using models of stakeholder analysis like Mendelow’s Power and Interest Matrix may be beneficial in supporting your argument.


In 2.1 you identified a group of people. Using your studies, consider the impact of that change and how you might measure it.

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

2.3 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

You could use your findings from above to begin to address this section. How will the changes affect productivity and effectiveness of the organization? Changes properly planned and implemented should have a positive impact on achievement of organizational objectives. However, it might be that some changes that are analyzed do not yield sufficiently significant advantage to counter any negative impact on individuals and stakeholders. If you encounter this situation, you may wish to address in the next section.

Using the analysis tools you have studied, apply them to a change in your organization and write down the potential positive and negative impacts of that change on the business.

Be able to plan the change process
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Please click here and read this document before continuing
3.1 Describe how to secure support for the change process from senior management 3.2 Demonstrate how individuals in the organization will be supported during the change process 3.3 Construct a plan to implement and monitor the change process 3.4 Analyze the outcome of the change process against the change plan and organizational activities

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

3.1 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

You may wish to begin this section by identifying what is important to the senior managers and then describe your change plan in these terms. What tools are at your disposal to engage with the senior management? You could describe the process that applies in your own organisation for presenting a case for change; You may alternatively wish to present your answer as a formal business case. Patrick Forsyth’s book: Managing Change may give (go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Patrick Forsyth Change’ into the search box and select the E-Book ‘Managing Change’) you further insights.


Consider the change you previously wrote about. What 5 actions could you take that would ensure that the senior managers are engaged, briefed, and included?

3.2 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

You could address this section by showing a range of support activities and mechanisms for those who will be affected by the change. This could range from communications plans to formal HR support, counselling, coaching, re-training, re-deployment, depending on the nature of the change. You could link with to AC2.3 above, and discuss how you might reduce any negatives impacts or increase positive impacts to make the change viable.


Using the scenario, you have developed so far, list those people and/departments affected by the change (don’t forget the customer!) Against each one, write down what support could be given and by whom.

TIPS for Good Management – Study Guide CMI Level 6 Leadership & Management Unit Number: 6003V1 Unit Name: PLANNING A CHANGE PROCESS

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Date 20th November 2017 Version A

3.3 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

The whole change process might look something like this: define the process and practices; scrutinise details of change; plan for implementation; implement and monitor; evaluate and report on and modify if necessary. Other models are available, including the planning cycle, but mostly cover the same key areas, including communication. There is a lot of literature on which you can draw to assist in your planning to support individuals and in the implementation and monitoring of the change process. Your plan should include communication methodology, timescales, resource implications and key milestones, as well as the areas mentioned above (aim, analysis and exploration of opportunities, change processes, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, feeding back).


Continuing with the same scenario, apply the CMI Change Management Plan and Checklist 038 (Mapping an effective change) to it and identify what you feel needs to take place in your organisation at each stage.

3.4 STUDY GUIDE Please go to Management Direct and copy/paste ‘Change Management’ into the search box to see the content.

Your analysis should inform you of the extent to which your process was successful and the level of achievement attained against the pre-set criteria (the change plan and organisational objectives). You may wish to comment on areas for improvement, or where you may have done something differently


Against each of the 14 points on the Checklist 038 (Mapping an effective change), note what would tell you it is going well and what would tell you it was not working.

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