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Identify and analyze the factors that promote and hinder working in partnership with others in your own field of practice.

NURS 2020


Report Structure

The following grid is for your guidance and your report subtitles may vary from what has been suggested but before submitting your assignment, check against the following suggestions:


Things to include Notes and comments References / Suggested word count
Abstract A brief summary of your report (what you have done/found) including the salient findings and any recommendations for practice. Write once report completed

State the geographical area that will be the focus of the report

300-500 words (not included in word count)
Contents list with each section of your report referenced to page numbers Make sure it enables the reader to locate each section, reference list, bibliography and any appendices. Write once report completed (not included in word count)

Number each appendix separately and only include what is relevant (appendix optional)


Introduction stating what you intend to do, how and why (rationale). This is taken from the title of the report

Write once report completed

300-400 words
Briefly identify any confidentiality/ consent issues DO NOT convey any real patient/ staff/ GP or hospital names/details. Code of Conduct,

Accountability, Data protection etc.

Define your chosen Long term condition with a brief discussion of relevance to this study if possible include more than one definition and compare and contrast different views 300-400 words
Demographic profile

Introduce the demographic and epidemiological profile. Briefly and concisely (using sections) analyse the epidemiology and demography applicable to the chosen Long term condition, using data found i.e. the main features. How does the demography of the population under investigation affect prevalence of the LTC? If possible compare/contrast the data from two geographical locations and analyse – discuss the significance. May include affluence/deprivation, implications for health outcomes

Profile data can be included in appendix.

Use of graphs, charts within the text may  save on the word count

600-800 words

Use of Health Targets from Govt Reports, NSFs etc


Can obtain stats from – Local government council statistics, National Census, Public health observatories, Health profiles, Public Health England, Fingertips


Community Services

Emphasise the importance of community services/ Multi-agency working/ facilities, how do they improve outcomes.

May include a brief discussion on the role of carers, and statutory and voluntary agencies

Discuss the gaps in provision and any evidence of inequalities.

You DO NOT need to compare/contrast areas in this section.

May include overview of services/ facilities/ in appendix. This overview can be a list, may structure into statutory, voluntary and private agencies


Make this relevant to your patient

400-600 words

Health inequalities and rationing.





Health Needs Assessment

THIS IS THE MAIN PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT i.e the largest in terms of word count.

Identify the theory of needs used to structure the framework of analysis, with reasons, and critical thought.

Briefly discuss your assessment of the identified population group with a long term condition. Clearly identify the health needs of your chosen population within the structure of this section. Underpin the work with relevant evidence.

Include the role of the nurse and possible nursing interventions





Use literature to support your assessment as appropriate, how can people/communities be empowered to self-manage long term conditions


800-1000 words


Evidenced based practice references and your chosen Theory of Needs



Include relevant legislative Influences/white papers discussion highlighting relevant changes in Nursing, Community/Acute  care, NSF targets etc



Summarise the assignment and identify your views on care and the findings of the report; include any recommendations

  300-400 words


Your assignment is a report and as such should be written in report style, avoiding the use of “I”, we”, “the author” etc.

Use short statements/ sentences to make your point.


Paginate, spell check and proof read overall work including appendices (fully referenced). Title all appendices if used.

Check correct referencing style, both in your text and in the reference list.

A minimum of 30 references is required for this piece of work to demonstrate wide reading!

Remember these should in the main be academic references


Reference list / bibliography / appendices not included in word count

Include relevant legislative Influences/white papers/ NSF/ NICE guidelines etc throughout the work where appropriate; / link provision with policy

Learning Outcomes:  

Purpose of the Assignment

To allow the student the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical and practical links in identifying health needs of individuals or groups within populations.

The module written assessment explores learning outcomes 1, 2, 3,4,5 and 6.


Learning Outcomes


Assessment method


1. Apply the knowledge of assessment, planning,

implementing and evaluating nursing interventions required for individuals with complex care needs




Written report (3000 words)

100% weighting.

Minimum threshold 40%


2. Appreciate the impact that physical, social,

psychological, cultural, environmental and socioeconomic factors may have on the health needs of individuals, carers, families and communities.

3. Analyze current service provision, within the mixed economy of care, for individuals, carers, families and communities with complex needs in your chosen field of practice
4. Illustrate the role of nurses in empowering

individuals, carers, families and communities to self-manage their complex care needs

5. Identify and analyze the factors that promote and hinder working in partnership with others in your own field of practice.
6. Identify and discuss how individuals, carers, families and communities with complex care needs may be managed in your own field of practice
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