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Understand contemporary and emerging market research methods.Critically evaluate outcomes from the market research project.

Contemporary Market Research Methods.

Assignment Brief: Starbucks Module Overview Get to know your market! You will receive a brief with the objective of delivering a market research report that helps to better understand the sector, its existing and potential consumers. You’ll consider new state-of-the-art technologies in your researches to understand how brands and their agencies define audiences in this digital age; describing how this will support future marketing campaigns. You will receive a Starbucks UK brief with the objective of delivering a market research report that helps to better understand the UK coffee shop market and its current and potential consumers. By conducting thorough research through a combination or traditional and contemporary market research methods, you will form key insights and develop appropriate personas to support marketing development.

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1 Understand contemporary and emerging market research methods.
2 Create appropriate personas in response to a brief through a range of research techniques.
3 Recognise regulatory market research considerations.
4 Critically evaluate outcomes from the market research project.

Assessment 100% Report: 3000-words This is a one-part assignment. You will work in groups of 2-3 throughout this module and you will deliver an individual report submission.

Deadline Friday 1st November 2019 before midday to MED5172 on Moodle – upload Report.

Brief With the rise of independent coffee houses and new coffee product development, there is more competition than ever for Starbucks. Starbucks need to keep ahead of the curve, therefore we need you to develop a Market Research report to help understand the following: • Who are we currently connecting with? • Who are we missing out on? • What is the behaviour that has changed in the market? • How is this going to help Starbucks in the future?

Scope of your Market Research: • Provide background information on the brand, its’ competitors and rationale for the market research • Develop appropriate market research objectives • Justification and explanation for your chosen market research methods/approaches adopted • Primary qualitative & quantitative research • Secondary / desk research • Timetable of research activity and key milestones • Development of key data findings • Creation of Customer Persona(s) • Evaluation

Guidelines on writing a market research report: Remember, it’s not all about carrying out some research, but about achieving an outcome to support future marketing decisions. We recommend you structure your report as follows: 1. Executive Summary 2. Background and Role of the Research 3. Objectives – Business, Marketing & Research 4. Research Methodologies & Target Audiences 5. Research Timings 6. Ethical & Legal Considerations 7. Results 8. Customer Persona Development 9. Evaluation 10. Conclusion & further research recommendations

Learning Outcome 1
Understand contemporary and emerging market research methods.
Market research proposal has not been completed.
Student lacks recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
No evaluation of marketing or business objectives have been identified.

Market research proposal is insufficiently completed.
Student lacks recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
Limited evaluation of marketing or business objectives have been identified.
Market research proposal is adequately completed.
Student demonstrates adequate recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
Adequate evaluation of marketing and/or business objectives have been identified.
Market research proposal is completed to a good level.
Student demonstrates good recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
Good evaluation of marketing and business objectives have been identified.
Market research proposal is completed to a very good level.
Student demonstrates very good recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
Very good evaluation of marketing and business objectives have been identified.
Market research proposal is completed to an exceptional level.
Student demonstrates excellent recognition of relevant market research techniques relevant to the brief and in modern marketing.
Excellent evaluation of marketing and business objectives have been identified.
Learning Outcome 2
Create appropriate personas in response to a brief through a range of research techniques.
Customer personas and wider industry insight are missing or lack clarity and do not relate to the research objectives set.
Lack of research techniques applied to build accurate insights.
Customer personas and wider industry insight are evident, but are not showing added value or a clear relationship to the research objectives.

Limited range of research techniques applied to build accurate insights.
The student has created a solid range of customer personas, based on good primary research and industry insight.

There is a clear link to the research objectives.

Sound range of research techniques applied to build accurate insights.
The student has created a good range of customer personas, based on credible primary research, supported by wider industry insight.

There is a clear link to the research objectives, which have been largely answered.

Good range of research techniques applied to build accurate insights.
The student has created an excellent range of customer personas, based on credible primary research supported by extensive wider industry insight.

There is a demonstrable link to the research objectives, which have been wholly answered.

Very good range of research techniques applied to build accurate and compelling insights.

The student has created an excellent range of customer personas, based on credible primary research, supported by extensive wider desk research and industry insight.

The research objectives have been completely answered, with considerations to emerging and disruptive market research considerations.

Extensive range of research techniques applied to build accurate and persuasive insights.

Learning Outcome 3
Recognise regulatory market research considerations.
Little or lack of interpretation or inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and  Limited interpretation and/or inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and  Sound interpretation and/or inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and  Good interpretation and inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and  Very good interpretation and inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects,Excellent interpretation and inclusion of relevant, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects.

Regulatory aspects considered in accordance to market research.
No assessment of implications to market research proposal explored.  regulatory aspects considered in accordance to market research.
Limited assessment of implications to market research proposal explored.
regulatory aspects considered in accordance to market research.
Sound assessment of implications to market research proposal explored.
regulatory aspects considered in accordance to market research.
Good assessment of implications to market research proposal explored.
considered in accordance to market research.
Very good assessment of implications relevant to market research proposal explored.
considered in accordance to market research.
Excellent assessment of implications pertinent to market research proposal explored.
Learning Outcome 4
Critically evaluate outcomes from the market research project.
Student has not considered report objectives and plans, showing no use of the methodology.
No evaluation of project outcomes, PDP or appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.
Student has considered report objectives and plans, showing good use of the methodology.
Limited evaluation of project outcomes, PDP or appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.

Student has considered report objectives and plans, showing good use of the methodology.
Sound evaluation of project outcomes, PDP or appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.

Student has considered report objectives and plans, showing good use of the methodology.
Good evaluation of project outcomes, PDP and appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.

Student has produced an enterprising report, with clear and SMART research objectives and methodology.
Very good evaluation of project outcomes, PDP and appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.

Student has produced an enterprising and innovative report, with clear and SMART research objectives and methodology.
Excellent, professionally executed evaluation of project outcomes, PDP and appraisal of how market research supports wider digital marketing planning reflected in report.

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