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Discuss the cDNA sequence analysis.  What affect did the genomic mutation have on the cDNA? How    does this affect the protein?  How might this cause the disease?

Writing Your Genetics – Short Report without a Draft

Genetics Section of BIO 375


For the second half of the semester you will be writing a Short Report on your findings from the studies completed in the lab.  This report will not include a draft.


  1. When is the Short Report without a Draft due?

See Canvas and/or summary sheet for due date.


  1. What will be included in the Short Report without a Draft?

Results of Ligation and transformations

Colony counts and calculations of ligation efficiency

Results of RFLP analysis (including your own and the overall class results).

Photo of gel of your PCR products and restriction enzyme digests

Graph of bands size and standards curve

Results of genomic and cDNA sequence analysis of parents and child

Diagrams of intron-exon structure of gene indicating position and nature of mutation

Diagrams of cDNA showing BsrB I site

Diagrams of predicted protein showing cleavage site



  1. What is the format of the Short Report without a Draft? – A more detailed description is included on the next page

Title Page



Figures/Tables on separate page


  1. How long should the lab report be?

No more than 1 ½ – 2 double spaced pages

Not including title page and figures and table pages

Use Times New Roman and 12 fonts


  1. Where do I submit the Short Report without a Draft?

You must upload your Short Report without a Draft to CANVAS by the due date to – GeneticsShortReport


Instructions for Writing Your Genetics- Short Report without a Draft

BIO 375-Spring 2017


  1. Title Page:

Title: Include short but descriptive title with disease name, organism and major result

Personal Information: Your name, ID (last 4), lab section, date


  1. Results: 2/3 page

Four sections for results

  1. Transformation results
  2. RFLP results (including gel image and fragment sizes)
  3. Genomic DNA analysis (include gene diagram showing mutation(s)).
  4. cDNA analysis (include mRNA diagram comparing parents to child).
  5. Protein sequence analysis results


  1. Discussion: 2/3 page

– Make a general statement about what you did and what you found.

– Discuss the results of the RFLP analysis.  Did it matter that you analyzed a single clone?  Why was it

important to consider the class results? What does this assay tell you about the relationship

between the disease and the RFLP?  Do you know if the difference is causative?

– Discuss the results of the genomic DNA comparison?  How many sequence differences did you find

between the parents?  How many between the parents and child?

– Discuss the cDNA sequence analysis.  What affect did the genomic mutation have on the cDNA? How

does this affect the protein?  How might this cause the disease?


  1. Figures and Tables:

Figures and Tables should be numbered sequentially according to how they are referred to in the text


– RFLP gel image

– Graph with standard line and band sizes vs.travel distance plotted

– Figure showing intron-exon structure of gene indicating position and nature of mutation

– Diagram of cDNA showing BsrBI site

– Diagram of predicted proteins showing cleavage site and cleavage sequence

– Transformation results

– Measurement of bands and estimated sizes


PLEASE put all the figures and Tables at the end of the report.  Do not embed into the text.


Keep your figures and Tables relatively small and grouped.  You can include more than one figure on a page.  You can do this by preparing your figures in PowerPoint first.  Then, after the figure has been labeled, “group” the entire image, copy, and paste into your Word          document.  You should select “tight” for the “position” of the image so you can more easily move it around. You can size the image by the “corners” or using the size function.


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