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What two or three actions will you take to develop this skill? How will these actions help you develop the skill?

Which skill?
Definition of the skill
.Why do you feel you need to develop this skill?
2. What two or three actions will you take to develop this skill? How will these actions help you develop the
3. What specific, practical steps will you take to make sure the actions you listed above (2) will happen?
Where possible these should include what you ill do and by when.
4. How do you intend to assess the level of improvement in the skill? When would you make this assessment?
Which skill?
Definition of the skill
1.. Why do you feel you need to develop this skill?
2. What two or three actions will you take to develop this skill? How will these actions help you develop the skill?
3. What specific practical steps will you take to make sure the actions you listed above (2) will happen?
Where possible these should include what you will do and by when.
4. How do you intend to assess the level of improvement in the skill? When would you make this assessment?
See Understanding Self-reflection Action planning Writing style Course of skills and Outline for Complete graduate level
Rubric work
Understanding of Reasoning of evidence Logical ordering of Fluency in;
A how skills are when explaining their ideas, concepts and writing employed in assessment of their activities is outstanding graduate level own level of skill in Attention to work and what chosen area Argument/ evidence that spelling, level of chosen their proposed activities punctuation skill is required Reasoning of evidence would lead to the and/or grammar when explaining how development of the skill S the chosen actions will be appropriate for their individual situation/.

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