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Describe the major components of the monetary system, including organizations and financial institutions.

Select a foreign country (MEXICO) and analyze its monetary system. Research the country’s monetary system using at least five scholarly sources. Your analysis should be an eight pages paper formatted according to APA style guidelines.

Address the following aspects:

  • Analyze the evolution of the country’s monetary system, including the impact of any fiscal monetary and trade policies.
  • Describe the major components of the monetary system, including organizations and financial institutions.
  • Describe the currency exchange rates and any significant economic impacts on the exchange rates.
  • Plot the currency exchange rate against the US Dollar:
  • Analyze the issues around economic exposure, transaction exposure, and translation exposure.
  • Recommend to investors whether they should buy or sell futures or options in that currency. Be sure to support your recommendation with calculations where necessary.

The Paper:  Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style.


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