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Analyze and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in 10 which aspects of the past have been interpreted.

Assessment and moderation
The Historical investigation w ill be marked by centres and moderated by AQA. It is most important that centres establish rigorous internal standardization to ensure that the rank order of the students is fair.
accurate and appropriate. This is particularly important in larger centres where more than one teacher
has prepared and assessed students.
The work of students is to be assessed by a levels of response mark scheme which addresses each of
the following assessment objectives, with the weighting as indicated:
Assessment objective Max mark
A01: Demonstrate, organize and communicate knowledge and understanding 20 to analyze and evaluate the key features related to the periods studied, making substantiated judgements and exploring concepts, as relevant, of cause, consequence, change. continuity, similarity, difference and significance.
A02: Analyze and evaluate appropriate source material, primary and/or 10 contemporary to the period, within the historical context.
A03: Analyze and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in 10 which aspects of the past have been interpreted.
Mark Scheme to be used when assessing the Historical investigation
A01: 20 marks
Demonstrate, organize and communicate knowledge and understanding to analyze and evaluate the
key features related to the periods studied, making substantiated judgements and exploring concepts,
as relevant. of cause, consequence , change. continuity, similarity and significance.
NOTE: an Historical investigation which fails to show an understanding of change and continuity
within the context of approximately 100 years cannot be placed above Level 2 in A01
(maximum 8 marks)
Level 5: 17-20
The response demonstrates a very good understanding of change and continuity within the context of
approximately 100 years and meets the full demands of the chosen question. It is very well organized
and effectively delivered. The supporting information is well-selected, specific and precise. It shows
1.”. a very good understanding of key features, issues and concepts. The answer is fully analytical with a
balanced argument and well-substantiated judgement.
Level 4: 13-16
The response demonstrates a good understanding of change and continuity within the context of
approximately 100 years and meets the demands of the chosen question. It is well-organized and
effectively communicated. There is a range of clear and specific supporting information, showing a good understanding of key features and issues, together with some conceptual awareness. The response is predominantly analytical in style with a range of direct comment relating to the question. The response is wet-balanced with some judgement, which may, however, be only partially substantiated.
Level 3: 9-12
The response demonstrates an understanding of change and continuity within the context of
approximately 100 years and shows an understanding of the chosen question. It provides a range of
largely accurate information which shows an awareness of some of the key issues. This information
may, however, be unspecific or lack precision of detail in parts. The response is effectively organized
and shows adequate communication skills. There is a good deal of comment in relation to the chosen
question, although some of this may be generalized. The response demonstrates some analytical
qualities and balance of argument.

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