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Develop research skills in examining international markets from a marketing and operations perspective.

Assignment Task: Report (2500 words, +/- 10%)

You are required to produce a report, which evaluates how the Brew Dog Company can successfully enter the American market with its new none-alcoholic drink “Punk AF” in terms of their market entry options and operational approach.

Your report will need to:-

1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the alternative market entry approaches Brew Dog could adopt in entering the US market with the product ‘Punk    AF’

2. Choose the most appropriate ‘market entry approach’ you believe the company should adopt in entering the US. Justify your recommendation and outline the operational challenges the company will face in adopting your chosen approach.

You must ensure that your choice is logical / well justified and meets all of the essential requirements (see below).

Essential Requirements:

  • You must base your work and justification using both marketing and operations approaches, either those taught on the unit or from the recommended reading. So the report should include:

–   A brief introduction to the Brew Dog company;

– Identification and evaluation of alternative market entry strategies organizations may adopt when entering into international markets

-Appreciation of the nature of Brew Dog as a company, its products and how these are considered in your discussions.

– Awareness of how operational factors may impact and influence the successful market entry approach you have suggested.


1.Demonstrate practical knowledge of international marketing and operations management principles.

2.Explain key theoretical aspects of international marketing and operations management.

3.Identify strategic links between International Marketing  and Operational Management strategies.

4.Develop research skills in examining international markets from a marketing and operations perspective.

Assignment Details and Instructions.

The assignment should also contain the following:

·  The output should be structured as a report. This includes a brief introduction to the BrewDog company, together with a summary of your main investigation. Your report must be appropriately referenced using the MMU Harvard Referencing system. All references cited must be listed alphabetically at the end (not included in word count). Headings must be used to structure your report. Font”Calibri”12pt”or”Arial”11pt. Structure: Include the correct title, a brief introduction, main body (discussing the main issues), conclusion and list of references.


Students will be penalized if they copy material or re-use the work of others without full acknowledgement (your work must be written in your own words and referenced appropriately).

Assignment Support / Guidance:

In addition to this assignment brief, support will be offered in seminars.  The expectation is that ALL students attend and engage in these sessions.

It is not possible to provide help / support given via email to any student or to provide formative feedback on draft assignments.

Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) being assessed or developed/assessed.

This assignment will help further develop your information gathering capabilities, critical analysis and thinking skills as well as enhance your written communication skills for employability and life-long learning.

1. Identify data and interpret information through analysis and synthesis with literature    (PLO1)

2. Enhance effective communication skills (PLO2)

3. Identify and explain global context (PLO4)

Also take note of the comments and expectations outlined in relation to being professional in the detailed tasks above.

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