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How can you identify your irrational beliefs? What is the goal of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and describe the therapeutic techniques used to achieve it.

Respond to my classmate using the instructions listed below:

Forums are scholarly dialogs, so while sharing what you think and not just what published authors wrote, only stating opinion isn’t acceptable. Quoting of authors is not allowed in forum posts. This because your professor needs to see what you know,  not what somebody else said. You will need to, paraphrase (summarize in your own words) what you read. No popular media such as Psychology Today or .com websites,   unless   the   latter  is   required   by  your   professor  for   a  particular   forum;  Wikipedia  or  other encyclopedia sites such as Encarte; dictionaries, article abstracts or About.com type websites that do summary work for you may be used for writing forum posts

Your responses to the postings to my classmate should be relevant and substantive. Reply posts containing just a few sentences or statements of agreement or disagreement only or that stray away from the topic or repeat what another classmate has already said in his or her posts cannot  be assigned points.    You  have to  write the response like I am  speaking directly to them.

This  is   the   original   discussion   board   question:   (DO  NOT ANSWER   THIS   QUESTION)   **READING   PURPOSES


Forum Assignment for the Week: Explain how people acquire their belief systems. How can you identify your irrational beliefs? What is the goal of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and describe the therapeutic techniques used to achieve it.


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