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Were there any complications or frustrations related to the experiment that the researcher addressed?

Research Assignment #2 Instructions

Instructions: Write a two page, double-spaced, APA style paper (plus a title page and references page) which answers the questions at the end of this instruction sheet.

Research an OPERANT conditioning experiment that has already been conducted. This must be an experiment that is NOT included in your textbook, research article assignment, or PowerPoint. It must be from a research based article/peer reviewed journal and conducted within the last twenty years (1999 or later).

Questions to address in your two-page paper:

  1. What experiment did you read?
  2. What did the experiment consist of? (Be specific and detailed)
  3. What did you expect to learn from the experiment? What was your hypothesis?
  4. How did the experimenter measure the results?
  5. What were the results? Was your hypothesis true?
  6. Were there any complications or frustrations related to the experiment that the researcher addressed?

Your paper should include the following:


Title Page (APA style)

Body of Paper (At least 3 paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not state the questions and answer them. Answer them in paragraph/proper sentence form)

  • Description of experiment including what is operant conditioning
  • What you expected from the experiment/Hypothesis
  • Measurement of Learning
  • Results
  • Conclusion

References *if you used any*

Make sure to use proper grammar throughout your paper. Make sure to do your own work! Please do not copy and paste from Google, the article, or any other website. You will be reported to the university for plagiarism and will receive a zero if your paper is similar to any other website.

Research Assignment #1 Rubric

Requirement Points
APA Style
Title Page 5
Running Head 5
Double Spaced 5
Margins (1 inch) 5
Grammar 5
References 5
Body of Paper
Complete sentences 5
At least 3 paragraphs 5
Description of experiment 12
Hypothesis 12
Measurement of Learning 12
Results 12
Conclusion 12
Total 100




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