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What strategies/methods of intervention have been employed to alleviate children and their families experiencing poverty?

Social Work’ Dissertation: The Role of Social Work in tackling the neglect faced by children experiencing poverty in Scotland

The dissertation assignment is a literature review of how social workers can tackle the neglect faced by children living in poverty within Scotland. This assignment is a comprehensive summary and critical appraisal of the literature that is relevant to the research topic. It presents the reader with what is already known in this field and identifies traditional and current controversies as well as weaknesses and gaps in the field. A coherent and critical account of the literature, identifying patterns and themes as well as evaluating the quality of the material. You need to provide an overall argument, or a series of arguments based upon the reading.
The 5250 words should focus on answering the following 3 questions:
1. How does poverty contribute to the neglect of children?
2. What strategies/methods of intervention have been employed to alleviate children and their families experiencing poverty?
3. What is the best model of practice of how-to support children and their families living in poverty?

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