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Identify at least three specific needs and services that your clients have as they prepare to leave jail and transition back into the community. Take into consideration the demographics of the area and the needs of this population.

Imagine that you are a case manager in Lake County, CA in a jail working with both males and females clients, with children and families, who have been incarcerated for at least five years. For the purpose of this assignment you may assume that many of the clients may need assistance with substance abuse, mental health, transportation, employment, and family services, among others. Work together with your coworkers (classmates) to create a community service delivery plan to serve your clients’ needs so that they are prepared to be self-sufficient upon release.

For your primary post, respond to the following questions:

  1. Identify at least three specific needs and services that your clients have as they prepare to leave jail and transition back into the community. Take into consideration the demographics of the area and the needs of this population.
  1. Conduct research to locate names of at least three appropriate community resources (agencies, programs and services) that will serve the needs of your clients. (You may need to locate resources in surrounding areas, online, or develop a task force or focus group to develop new services and programs if they don’t already exist in the community)

Decide how clients will access these services. (You can be creative—human service professionals are always trading

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