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Prepare a one page memo for a specific decision maker within the case.[Present two independent recommendations that directly address the problems/opportunities identified within your assessment]

Carefully read the case “Uber: Digital Disruptor” on page 389 of your textbook. Prepare a one page memo for a specific decision maker within the case. Summarize the organization’s overall situation/predicament as accurately as possible linking business impacts to causes. In order to do so, you will need to identify the elephant in the room (i.e., while there can be several issues a company is facing, identify the most important ones). Then provide two independent recommendations that directly address the problems/opportunities identified within your assessment above. Follow the format below.

Business Impact Summary: [Summarize the organization’s overall situation/predicament as accurately as possible linking business impacts to causes]

[Present two independent recommendations that directly address the problems/opportunities identified within your assessment above]

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