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The lesson plan asked students to read aloud the poem Snow by David Berman. Complete content and language objectives that align with the standards in part B2 were not located.

Professional Communication (Articulation): A formal, focused tone guides this analysis of language learning standards. Minor errors in sentence fluency occur, but overall the work is clear to follow and meets competency for this aspect. Review before resubmission.

Content: A sixth-grade lesson plan was submitted that addressed 5 English language proficiency standards. Feedback is provided in the score report below with information about the aspects that need revisions.

  1. Original Unit Plan

A middle school unit plan was submitted. An original unit plan that outlines an integrated unit of study that includes instruction in academic content, writing, and speaking was not located.

A2. Standards and Objectives

It was noted that language proficiency standards will be based on foreign language requirements. Appropriate content-area standards and English language proficiency standards were not located. Additionally, complete unit objectives were not evident.

A3. Overall Unit Planning

It was stated that grammar and vocabulary at the expansion stage, level 4, will be taught. Connections to previous learning, key vocabulary or language that will be taught, and materials that will be used were not located in this unit plan.

A4. Activities

Encouraging group discussions, reading, writing, and listening skills through increased classroom activity and access to library resources was mentioned in the unit plan. A unit plan that includes appropriate activities that support student learning for content-area learning, writing skills development, and speaking skills development was not fully developed.

A5. Strategies for Making Instruction Relevant and Accessible

The unit plan noted that examples of anecdotal evidence that resonates with the students’ cultural inclinations and upbringing will be used. A unit plan that includes appropriate strategies for differentiating instruction and connecting academic content to students’ home culture or life experience outside the classroom was not fully developed.

A6. Formal and Informal Assessments

The unit plan noted that the areas that will be tested include the level of understanding of vocabulary, sentence structure articulation, and semantics. A unit plan that adequately describes 1 or more assessments that measure speaking skills, writing skills, content-area learning, and 1 pre-assessment used was not fully developed.

A6a. Assessment Measurement

The level of comprehension that meets level 4 proficiency under TESOL standards was mentioned in the unit plan. An explanation that logically supports how each of the assessments in part A6 will effectively measure student growth and learning was not evident.

  1. Lesson Plan

Five English language learner standards were listed. An original content-based lesson plan that appropriately emphasizes speaking skills for ELs was not evident.

B1. Grade and Language Proficiency Level

A lesson plan for sixth-grade students was created. The language proficiency level of the students was not evident.

B2. Proficiency and Content-Area Standards

Five ELL standards were listed in the lesson plan. Appropriate content-area standards were not evident.

B3. Objectives

The lesson plan asked students to read aloud the poem Snow by David Berman. Complete content and language objectives that align with the standards in part B2 were not located.

B5. Affective Filter Activity

A definition of the affective filter as a theoretical construct in the acquisition of a second language was provided. An activity that clearly and logically lowers students’ affective filter was not located

B5a: Affective Filter Explanation.

It was noted that not overemphasizing an error, by modelling the correct use of the words in another scenario, will lower the students’ affective filter. An explanation that adequately addresses how the activity lowers students’ affective filter was not located.

B7. Cultural Connection Activity

Students were asked to recite the poem to other students. An activity that appropriately connects the academic content to the students’ home culture or life experience outside the classroom was not located.

B7a. Cultural Connection Explanation

A poem was recited to other students in the lesson plan. An explanation that adequately supports how the activity connects the academic content to students’ home culture or life experience outside the classroom was not located.

B9. Speaking Skills Assessment

Presentations were used as a method of assessment in this lesson plan. An original performance-based assessment that clearly and logically measures speaking skills was not located.

B9a. Assessment Results

The results of the assessment will be used to decide which areas students are experiencing difficulties. An explanation that does not logically address how the assessment results will be used to inform instruction of subsequent lessons was not evident.

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