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Describe a campaign theme that can be applied to your product or service. Provide rationale for the theme based on decisions made in earlier assignments. SLP 1 and SLP 2.



Use the attached documents to complete the assignment. Read everything before starting the assignment. If you have any doubts as to what the assignment is asking for email or call.

You are continuing to work with the same product or service you have been using throughout class and you’ll develop a creative strategy.

  1. Campaign Theme
  • Describe a campaign theme that can be applied to your product or service. Provide rationale for the theme based on decisions made in earlier assignments. SLP 1 and SLP 2.

This section of the paper should be a half page in length. If you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

  1. Traditional Media Ads(based on the choices made in this week’s case 3 )

Develop the “creative” for two of the following: print, TV, radio, direct mail, outdoor. Describe the following.

  • Headline/Tag Line for ad. This must be original and written by you.
  • At least one paragraph of copy to the used in ad.This must be original and written by you.
  • Examples of visual or multimedia elements that you would like to see in the chosen ad. You do not have to create graphics; you can link to examples used by other companies.

This section of the paper should be 1 page in length. If you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

  1. Electronic Media(based on the choices made in this week’s case)

Develop the “creative” for one electronic media campaign. Describe the following:

  • Headline/Tag Line for ad. This must be original and written by you.
  • At least one paragraph of copy to the used in ad. This must be original and written by you.
  • Examples of visual or multimedia elements that you would like to see in the chosen ad. You do not have to create graphics; you can link to examples used by other companies.

The focus of this assignment is application and critical thinking. If you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format.

All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.

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