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Describes the content, scope, and organization of the review as well as the strategy used in the literature search.Incorporate the strengths and weaknesses of methodology in previous studies and how you will avoid/improve the methods in your study.

Chapter 2:

This chapter situates the study in the context of previous research, presents a critical synthesis of empirical literature according to relevant themes or variables, justifies how the study addresses a gap or problem in the literature, and outlines the theoretical or conceptual framework of the study.

  • Introduction: Describes the content, scope, and organization of the review as well as the strategy used in the literature search.
  • Review of Literature:
  • Clearly related to the problem statement, research questions and/or hypotheses.
  • Reviews primary sources that are mostly recent empirical studies from scholarly journals.
  • Logically organized by theme, subtopic, or variable from broad to narrow (funnel design).
  • Synthesizes findings across studies; compares/contrasts different research outcomes, perspectives, or methods.
  • Notes gaps, debates, or shortcomings in the literature and provides a rationale for the study.
  • The review of literature should include what has already been written about the topic.
  • The literature should support the theoretical argument and demonstrate the author has a grasp of the major ideas and findings that pertain to the topic.
  • Include:
  • Historical background
  • Put things in perspective. What are the major issues, controversies that impact your study? Include background on all relevant variables.
  • Theory relevant to research questions
  • What theoretical models inform your research?
  • Justify the theoretical foundation for the research.
  • Describe how the theoretical foundation applies to the problem.
  • Current empirical literature
  • Literature relating to variables
  • Literature relating to specific combination of variables
  • This is not a listing of studies! You must synthesize. What common thread holds them together? Use transition to tie each section together.
  • Incorporate the strengths and weaknesses of methodology in previous studies and how you will avoid/improve the methods in your study.
  • Theoretical/Conceptual Framework: Outlines theory that is tested in study or conceptual framework that informs the study.
  • Summary
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