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Who are the ‘winners’ and who are the ‘losers’? Explain the reasons for your answer in relation to Spencer’s (2001) chapter. Should migrants ‘shed one national identity for another’ (Guarnizo et al., 2003) in order to develop a sense of belonging in their new country of residence?

You are required to complete a seminar portfolio, which will be submitted at the end of the module. Seminar portfolios should have four mini essays (each entry will be marked out of 25 to give an overall mark). Each mini essay will be based on a topic covered between weeks 5-12 of the module and should be around 750 words, equating to approximately 3000 words in total.

The seminar portfolio is designed to allow you to demonstrate your continued engagement with, and understanding of, the key theories, concepts and issues addressed during the module. Your portfolio should be fully referenced using Harvard referencing.


For the seminar portfolio, you are required to complete four short (750 word) pieces of written work, which together will form the portfolio.

Each piece of written work will answer a question or address a topic raised in seminars, and by the weekly essential readings.

In addition to referring the relevant weekly readings in your answer, you are also expected to draw on other relevant literature to demonstrate wider reading. See the weekly recommended reading lists on Minerva for guidance.


Essay 1: Refugees, asylum seekers and forced migration

Many asylum seekers describe a ‘mixture of happiness, bewilderment and isolation’ on being granted refugee status. Critically discuss the reasons for this in relation to Doyle’s (2014) report.


Essay 2: Irregular migration

Irregular migration: Who are the ‘winners’ and who are the ‘losers’? Explain the reasons for your answer in relation to Spencer’s (2001) chapter.

Essay 3: Migration, identity & belonging

Should migrants ‘shed one national identity for another’ (Guarnizo et al., 2003) in order to develop a sense of belonging in their new country of residence?

Essay 4: Migration as a security issue?

What is the relationship between international migration and security?

Critically discuss Castles & Miller’s (2009) chapter in your answer.

Assessment Criteria

Portfolio entries should demonstrate:

  • That you understand the question, give a clear indication of how you intend to answer it, and reach a suitable conclusion
  • An ability to develop an argument and make a case supported by appropriate evidence
  • A critical engagement with different approaches, theories and perspectives (by comparing and evaluating different arguments)
  • An ability to write in an appropriate academic style with accurate use of English
  • Correct use of the Harvard referencing procedure
  • Evidence of further reading from a variety of sources
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