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Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in measuring and evaluating WHS performance

Performance Criteria.

The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of competency:


Element Performance Criteria



1. Support and facilitate the implementation of a WHSMS


1.1 Determine the form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS appropriate to the organization and its WHS risks

1.2  Consult effectively with individuals and parties about the form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its implementation

1.3 Facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to implementing a WHSMS







2. Develop WHS policy and commitment to a WHSMS


2.1  Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS policy requirements and commitment requirements to implement a WHSMS

2.2 Develop and implement an initial WHS review, as required, appropriate to own job role

2.3 Develop WHS policy that meets organizational requirements and is appropriate to the organization

2.4 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in developing and agreeing to WHS policy

2.5 Document WHS policy and communicate it to individuals and parties





3. Develop a WHS plan


3.1  Communicate to individuals and parties the requirements of a WHS plan

3.2 Work with individuals and parties to produce a WHS plan appropriate to the organization, that meets requirements

3.3 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in developing and agreeing to a WHS plan





4. Implement the WHS plan


4.1  Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS plan implementation requirements, as appropriate to the organization

4.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in implementing the WHS plan

4.3 Work with individuals and parties to ensure policies, procedures, processes and systems support implementation of the WHS plan, according to own job role


5. Measure and evaluate WHS performance


5.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the measurement and evaluation requirements of the WHS plan as appropriate to

the organization



  5.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in measuring and evaluating WHS performance

5.3  Assess policies, procedures, systems and processes in relation to their ability to support implementation of the WHS plan, according to own job role






6. Review and improve the WHSMS


6.1  Communicate to individuals and parties the review and improvement requirements of the WHSMS as appropriate to the organization

6.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in reviewing and improving the WHSMS

6.3 Document review outcomes and suggested WHSMS improvements, according to own job role and submit to management for consideration

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

  • Support and facilitate the implementation of a work health and safety management system (WHSMS) including:
    • Determining form, content, purposes and functions
    • Consulting and gaining agreement
  • Develop work health and safety (WHS) policy and commitment to a WHSMS including:
    • Communicating requirements
    • Developing and implementing an initial review
    • Meeting organizational requirements
    • Facilitating and supporting consultation and participation
    • Documenting and communicating the policy
  • Develop a WHS plan including:
    • Communicating requirements
    • Collaborating with others
    • Facilitating and supporting consultation and participation
  • Implement a WHS plan including:
    • Communicating requirements
    • Facilitating and supporting consultation and participation
    • Collaborating to ensure policies, procedures, processes and systems support WHS plan implementation
  • Measure and evaluate WHS performance including:
    • Communicating requirements
    • Facilitating and supporting consultation and participation
    • Assessing policies, procedures, systems and processes for ability to support WHS plan implementation
  • Review and improve the WHSMS including:
    • Communicating requirements
    • Facilitating and supporting consultation and participation
    • Documenting and reporting outcomes and suggested

Knowledge Evidence

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

  • Give examples of barriers to WHSMS implementation and strategies to overcome them
  • Describe the nature of information and data that provide valid and reliable measures of WHS performance and WHSMS, including positive performance indicators
  • Outline relevant Commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations, codes of practice, standards, guidance material and other relevant publications
  • Outline requirements for recordkeeping that address WHS, privacy and other relevant legislation
  • Describe the structure and functions of a WHSMS
  • Summarize WHSMS certification and auditing standards, processes.
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