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How can nondirective methods of teaching help inquire into the personalities and emotions of students? Integrate 2 specific examples from the reading into your explanation.

Part A: You need book Classroom Assessment for Student Learning (CASL) read chapter 7 and 9 and One journal article.

  • Assignment Instructions: Prompt: After reading chapter 7 in CASL, how can you use performance assessment formatively, as teaching tools? Give several examples. After reading chapter 9 in CASL, re-read the “My Classroom Then and Now 9.2”. How was your past experience with record keeping similar to Ms. Schroeder’s, and how would you like your record keeping to be different in the future?
  • APA required for this assignment: Include two references in your submission, one of which can be the textbook from this class. The other reference should be peer-reviewed articles from the past 10 years that supports your discussion. No quotes are allowed from the textbook or reference. No secondary reference citations allowed (ex. as cited in..) See this link if you are don’t know what a secondary reference is: https://apastyle.apa.org/learn/faqs/cite-another-source. Three points will be deducted for APA errors, and a maximum of half points for every assignment. Missing references will be deducted 6 points. Plagiarism is not accepted. You are able to see the Plagiarism checker and re-submit assignments until the due date. See all rules for plagiarism in the syllabus.

Part B: You need book Models of teaching Part 5 and one journal article. This has to be made in the subject writing expository composition as per I teach that. 2 page long needed. Make sure to include journal article.

  • Assignment Instructions: After reading Models of Teaching: Part 5: The Personal Family of Models of Teaching, complete this prompt: How can nondirective methods of teaching help inquire into the personalities and emotions of students? Integrate 2 specific examples from the reading into your explanation. How can we use the development of self-concepts as a method for students to practice more productive behaviors? Integrate two specific examples from the chapter into your explanation.
  • APA required for this assignment: Include two references in your submission, one of which can be the textbook from this class. The other reference should be peer-reviewed articles from the past 10 years that supports your discussion. No quotes are allowed from the textbook or reference. No secondary reference citations allowed (ex. as cited in..) See this link if you are don’t know what a secondary reference is: https://apastyle.apa.org/learn/faqs/cite-another-source. Three points will be deducted for APA errors, and a maximum of half points for every assignment. Missing references will be deducted 6 points. Plagiarism is not accepted. You are able to see the Plagiarism checker and re-submit assignments until the due date. See all rules for plagiarism in the syllabus.
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