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Who is the main representative of Symbolic Interactionist Theory on Mass Media and what is his/her general view on Mass Media.  

Define the following concepts for 2 marks each

Hyperreality: . Was first described by the Philosopher Jean Baudrillard were he suggested that the media can now create such idealistic representations of reality that out perform actual reality. The audience is left feeling depressed as they’re own life doesn’t live up to artificial reality. People can no longer distinguish reality from a simulation of reality,

Hegemony: Hegemony, the dominance of one group over another, often supported by legitimating norms and ideas. … The associated term hegemon is used to identify the actor, group, class, or state that exercises hegemonic power or that is responsible for the dissemination of hegemonic ideas.

Public Sphere: The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action. The term was originally coined by German philosopher Jürgen Habermas who defined the public sphere as a “virtual or imaginary community which does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space”

High Culture: The term high culture is used to describe the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest-class segments of a society. This type is not industrially produced, meaning the components of the culture were not produced to make money as low culture does.

Mediated interaction: according to J. Thompson mediated interaction is one of the 3 types of communication. It is the Use of technology between two parties that can correspond with one another.

Correlation: Correlation refers to a relationship between two (or more) variables in which they change together. A correlation can be positive/direct or negative/inverse. A positive correlation means that as one variable increases (e.g., ice cream consumption) the other variable also increases (e.g., crime).

Mobilization: according to D. McQuail mobilization is one of the 4 Stabilizing and integrative functions in society. It Encourages action to meet social, economic and political goals. Activates solidarity

  1. In two or three sentences summarize what the Functionalist theory would say about Mass Media. (2 marks)

The functionalist theory treats mass media as communal fact. As a result, media serves as a function in the community is to stabilize society, regulate and integrate individuals.

  1. Summarize some key points of Putnam’s research

Putnam designates social capital as influences among personalities, social systems, and the customs of mutuality and dependability that arise from them. These networks can be personified in administrations, churches, reading teams, bowling leagues, and the United Way, or in less-structured connections, such as feast with friends. Besides, the civic community is a Residency in a civic communal is considered by vigorous contribution to community matters. Being attentive in public subjects and equipped to be complicated in discussions and shared doings is significant cryptograms of civic assets. 


General information on Putnam’s research (one to three sentences)

General Putman’s research includes social capital and civic community.

General information on his findings (Two Types of Capital)                                                         (4

Two types of social capital in the United States include Bonding Social Capital: individuals get out with others like them and Bridging Social Capital: individuals socialize with persons dissimilar from them.

  1. In two or three sentences summarize what the Conflict Theory would say about Mass Media.

Conflict theory is defined in two approaches, culture industry approach and political economy approach. Culture Industry Approach asserts that Mass Media creates individuals relaxed to govern since it lowers their capability to think analytically. Political Economy Approach asserts that the Mass Media is cast-off by the reigning class to govern the communal.

  1. Explain the Political Economy Approach (one of the two paths of Conflict Theory) on Mass Media.

Political Economy Approach asserts that the Mass Media is cast-off by the reigning class to govern the communal. Individuals who study these theories as themselves some of these questions, how does the media silence critical dissenting, and who is the sole proprietor of the mass media?

  1. E. Explain the Culture Industry Approach (one of the two paths of Conflict Theory) on Mass Media.

Cultural goods re mass-produced in capitalist communities. They emphasize quantity and quality and also sharpening of their critical thinking. There are two categories of the culture industry, high culture where it is not industrially produced and low culture, which is industrially produced.

  1. Describe the Postmodern Theory on Mass Media.

Representation constructs the objects it represents. Besides, real representation cannot always be distinguished from its representation. The postmodern theory comprises the remark that in post-modernity, as divergent to modernity. A distribution sarcasm considers the postmodern domain about metanarratives or over-all confidence schemes, including domain convictions, radical philosophies, such as Collectivism or Open-mindedness, and even knowledge and purpose. We have to turn out to be cynical and no longer anticipate the realm to become a better residence. Metranarratives have partially been disgraced since, in an age of worldwide press in which we study more about other individuals’ politics and existences, it befits less and less conceivable to concern one existence or one confidence organization factual one.


Who is the main representative of Postmodern Theory on Mass Media and what is his/her general view on Mass Media     

  1. Thompson views mass media from a different perspective, whereby he sees it as creating an image of passive, weak-minded people

Explanation on two concepts (i.e. definitions, examples)                          

The two concepts are represented, which constructs the object it represents. The reality which states that the real cannot be distinguished from its representation.

Add a third concept or anything additional (i.e. why is it important or what is one criticism against it)        

There is continuously a domain beyond the hyperactive real, beyond the expertise. Even Postmodern theorists distinguish that there must be some impartial reality, or else their whole theory cannot outlook.

  1. Describe Symbolic Interactionist Theory on Mass Media

Symbolic interactionist claim: Any information on Mass Media is socially constructed, and as such, its Reception and meaning vary Sociologists need to study the interactions of people through Mass Media to get a full picture of its communal effects.



Who is the main representative of Symbolic Interactionist Theory on Mass Media and what is his/her general view on Mass Media          

Thompson, where he describes mass media having three types of Communication, face to face interaction, mediated, and mediated quasi interaction.

Explanation on two concepts (i.e. definitions, examples)                          

Media is the Communication of information through various mediums to various audiences. Examples are Traditional Media: Newspapers, Film, Television, and Radio. Modernity the quality or condition of being modern

Add a third concept or anything additional (i.e. why is it important or what is one criticism against it           

It is claimed that the concept is not one philosophy, but rather, the plan for much diverse theory.

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