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Write about what affects effective collaborative practice? What in practice have you observed? Poor or effective collaboration? How is the service/SU impacted? What does the literature suggest can affect effective collaborative practice?

DCECP Assignment Template.

This may assist you in structuring your assignment, however this assignment should be a personal reflection of your learning and so you may wish to structure and meet the learning outcomes in many ways!

Introduction: 250-300

Introduce the main themes within the assignment e.g. Collaborative Practice, Service User Involvement, contemporary policy drivers.

Within the assignment you MUST incorporate a minimum of 4 reflections. You can incorporate these reflections in a number of ways which I will indicate below. If you struggle with reflection, there is also the reflection magazine which is a good resource to utilise which is on the BB site. You also have the learning log template to support reflection, but you may also utilise a reflective cycle you are used to using.

Consider using subheadings.

  1. Principles of Service User Involvement and Carer Involvement in the Context of Interprofessional Working

            (Module Learning Outcome 1)

Refer to the Module learning outcomes and what we are looking for on the marking criteria!

Write about what are the positive aspects of having service users involved in their care/treatment etc. What are the challenges? Could you reflect upon SU involvement in your own practice? What does the literature suggest about SU involvement?

What is interprofessional working? What is collaborative practice? (be careful not to copy what is in the intro) Have you observed it in practice? Could you reflect on an incident whereby interprofessional working and collaborative practice was observed? Why was it successful or a challenge? What was the impact on the service or SU? When you are incorporating reflection’s you can just insert the learning log table if you wish, or you could incorporate a written reflection within the main discussion or you could do a comprehensive reflection put it in the appendices and then critically reflect and appraise the reflection in the main discussion.

Finally you need to conclude this section with how you’ll work collaboratively and interprofessionally in practice and give some examples?

  1. Effective Collaboration for Safe & Effective Services

            (Module Learning Outcome 2)

Refer to the Module learning outcomes and what we are looking for on the marking criteria!

Write about what affects effective collaborative practice? What in practice have you observed? Poor or effective collaboration? How is the service/SU impacted? What does the literature suggest can affect effective collaborative practice?

Reflect upon your involvement in collaborative working. Have you worked collaborative with another HCP or service to enhance a SU’s care or experience?

  1. Service Environment & Policy Drivers for Collaborative Practice

            (Module Learning Outcome 3)

Refer to the Module learning outcomes and what we are looking for on the marking criteria!

How does the environment you work in impact on your ability to collaborate with other HCP’s? How could this be adapted? How can you overcome barriers to collaborative working? If you are able to collaborate effectively what is it that facilitates this? What does the literature suggest as to how the environment can support effective collaborative working? Do you agree with the literature? Remember you can appraise the literature, so you could use the literature to offer an alternative opinion and critically reflect using your experiences in practice.

How do policy drivers promote collaborative working? Make sure you refer to appropriate policy. Consider utilising policy from the policy folder on BB.

  1. Personal & Professional Development

            Module Learning Outcome 4)

Refer to the Module learning outcomes and what we are looking for on the marking criteria!

This module learning outcome is more heavily weighted as the marker will review the entire assignment to assess your reflections and also the action plan.

Undertake a reflection of your personal strengths and weaknesses and refer to the Capability Framework. What experiences have you had during teaching, or out in practice or during the conference which supported personal and professional development. Remember to look at the different domains and see where your strengths lie.

Produce an action plan. One capability from each domain within the Interprofessional Capability framework should be addressed.

Be SMART when action planning!

500 words MUST be used for your action plan.

Personal Objective relating to Interprofessional Capablility Priority Target Date What specific actions/resources are needed? Evidence of  success Review date
Collaborative working

Capability CW2:

To improve my active listening skills with service users and colleagues

High End of next placement Review specific literature on Bb site and through learning centre.

I will observe and reflect on interactions between staff and service users on my  placement to analyse and review positive interactions and outcomes

Practise speaking in groups during my course and practice situations where I feel safe and can build confidence and seek feedback

Notes that summarise the review of the literature.

Receive positive feedback from key placement staff.

Reflection of a positive debrief with trusted peers on my engagement during group work

Reflection or statement to support increased personal confidence utilising skills and positive outcomes from interaction with service users and colleagues




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