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Choose a passage or short paragraph (2-4 sentences in total) that you think best captures the novel’s message about the legacy of colonialism- reflection on why you chose that passage and what you think the author is trying to convey with this novel about colonialism and decolonization.

Originally published in 1966, Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North is a work of postcolonial fiction that offers “deep insights into the complexities of life in a colonized place after the colonizers depart.” Salih’s unnamed narrator returns to his village in recently independent Sudan after studying in England and meets a newcomer, Mustafa Sa’eed, who is trying to put his own brilliant and terrible years in Britain behind him. The novel challenges the reader to consider the consequences of

colonialism by playing with the concepts of power, identity, and conquest between “North” and “South.” Salih’s novel is a

primary source for understanding the period of decolonization following World War II. It shows that the impact of colonization did not end when colonized people gained their political


Choose a passage or short paragraph (2-4 sentences in total) that you think best captures the novel’s message about the legacy of colonialism in newly-independent nations. Underneath your selected passage, write a short (500 word minimum) explanation or reflection on why you chose that passage and what you think the author is trying to convey with this novel about colonialism and decolonization.

Cite the page number of your passage, as well as any additional quotations you include in your reflection like this: “Passage or quotation here.” (Salih, 38.)

This assignment is worth 5% of your total grade. You will receive a 10/10 if it is completed satisfactorily, or a 0/10 if unsatisfactory. There will be no grades in between. A

satisfactory paper must demonstrate the following:

– Does the passage you have chosen demonstrate that you have read the novel and thought about its meaning?

– Does your explanation/reflection engage with the plot and themes of the novel? Do not merely summarize the novel or use long, block quotations!

Is your reflection mostly free from major grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors? Have you runspelling/grammar check?

You will submit this assignment on Blackboard using  software that detects plagiarism. You may read reviews of  the novel (see below) and even refer to them in your  reflection, but you MUST cite the review using the footnote.





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