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What is an ally? Does Ayvazian’s use of the term provide an adequate model for people in dominant positions in the culture or people with relative power to enact social change?

Read “Interrupting the Cycle of Oppression” by Andrea Ayvazian and “on Solidarity, “Centering Anti-Blackness” and Asian Americans” by Scot Nakagawa. What is an ally? Does Ayvazian’s use of the term provide an adequate model for people in dominant positions in the culture or people with relative power to enact social change? Why or why not? What does Nakagawa suggest is the role of non-black people in the Black Lives Matter movement? Write an essay in which you compare Ayvazian’s and Nakagawa’s articles, and the terms “ally” and “solidarity.” Where do you see their arguments as overlapping? How are they different? How can you apply these concepts to your own life and position in relation to social movements? Make sure you provide some concrete examples in your paper.

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