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Describe the creative situation, scenario, story or incident that will be dramatized by these brands. Explain how you will protect the brand equity of each of the brands.

Your task:

  1. Research: Using reliable sources (more than one), find out.
    1. how P&G decided which brands to include in its multi-brand Super Bowl 2020 ad.
    2. what the risks are of combining brands in a single ad.
  1. Get Creative: Not using any of the brands featured in Super Bowl 2020 multi-brand ads:
    1. propose three brands from a single parent company (P&G, Kellogg, Mars, Unilever, Coca Cola, Mondelèz, just to name a few) to feature in a multi-brand ad.
    2. outline which of the three brands will be the featured brand.
    3. describe the creative situation, scenario, story or incident that will be dramatized by these brands.
    4. explain how you will protect the brand equity of each of the brands.
  1. Write: in an informal memo report, using graphic highlighting and headings:
    1. In the first part of the report, outline what you discovered via your research (P&G’s process; risks)
    2. In the second part of the report, walk me through your creative process, including all the requested information (Get Creative a, b, c, and d)
  1. Address the Informal Memo Report to me, and give me a title; give yourself a title as well
  2. Use headings, graphic highlighting, short, clear paragraphs, and white space to make your information easy to access.
  3. Include both a short introduction and conclusion.
  4. Cite all research used. Cite this research within the report, using either parenthetical citations (in either MLA or APA format) or foot/endnote citations (I’ve used footnotes here.), and include a full citation of each source in a Works Cited (MLA) OR a Bibliography (APA) OR in foot/endnotes (as done here).
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