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What is so “American” about the values Franklin sets forth in telling his story? Use examples from the text (and Franklin’s life) to construct your answer.

Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography has long been understood as a work that has defined the American character. What is so “American” about the values Franklin sets forth in telling his story? Use examples from the text (and Franklin’s life) to construct your answer. How, in your opinion, have these values impacted the course of American life since Franklin published his work? Are these values good for America?
The best papers will not only answer the question posed, but will do so through a sustained interaction with these primary source readings. Papers should make specific statements rooted firmly in the evidence. Use quotations wherever applicable, but avoid quoting long excerpts from the texts. You must cite your sources (textbook, lecture, book) with footnotes. Papers should be typed and double spaced with one-inch margins, headers (except for the first page), and footers (bottom margins). Papers should be 4 pages in length.

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