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What triggered Gabrielli’s commitment to going green at Petrobras? How would you evaluate Petrobras’ sustainability effort? What have they done well and or not so well in the transformation?

Case study instructions

  1. Read the assigned case discussion provided on another attachment, use below (in red) the questions as a guideline for the submission.
  2. Should include an introductory and concluding paragraph, as well as headings.
  3. Include a biblical perspective with scripture included relevant to the topics covered in the Case Study scenario
  4. 8 pages, NOT including the cover, abstract, or reference pages
  5. 6 Scholarly reference

Questions (will also include them on the case study attachment)

  1. What triggered Gabrielli’s commitment to going green at Petrobras?
  2. How would you evaluate Petrobras’ sustainability effort? What have they done well and or not so well in the transformation?
  3. Do you agree with Gabrielli’s assessment of the success of green policies at Petrobras? Explain.
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