Discuss the following in 2–4 pages, excluding the title and reference pages:
- Who created the theory?
- When was this theory created and what was the circumstances of its need for creation?
- What are the main components of the theory?
- Apply this theory directly to a scenario you have experienced (or read about) with patient care (direct or indirect).
- Is this theory applicable to your current work environment? Explain.
- How does the theory influence transcultural nursing practice?
- How do transcultural nurses move cultural care to the forefront of nursing practice using the components of the theory?
You must include at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed resources to support your ideas. These include .gov and .org professional websites, journal articles, and your textbook(s).
You must include headings in your paper indicating each section. This is a key concept to professional writing. It is also a fantastic method for ensuring you have met all Assessment requirements. Use the Grading Criteria as a checklist once you are completed to verify you have addressed all components of the Assessment.
The viewpoint and purpose of this Assessment should be clearly established and sustained.