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Compare the structures of public schooling in the countries you selected and the United States. What are the similarities and differences between these 3 countries’ public school structures?

EDD 714 WK 4 DQ 1 Structure of Public Schooling

Select 2 countries, other than the United States, that you are interested in learning more about.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

  • Identify the structural organization of public schools and the leadership structures in public schools for the 2 countries you selected.
  • Compare the structures of public schooling in the countries you selected and the United States. What are the similarities and differences between these 3 countries’ public school structures?
  • Include examples of 2 standards used to assess student learning in all 3 countries.
  • Include your own experience, as well as 2 citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting. If you found contradicting information to what your experience tells you, explain why you agree or disagree with the research.


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