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What details should you include and what should you leave out? How can you make sure your claim is persuasive without alienating your audience?

Incorporate a secondary source to support your claims. These “expert” ideas will reinforce your assertions about the community, and will offer credible data to prove your claim about the community.

Focus your essay around a problem, or set of related problems, outline how this has affected your community, and back it up with claims from sources gleaned from your research using vetted internet sources.

The essays must contain these FOUR components:
• Thesis – you must provide your stance/position/argument about the problem as the last sentence of the first paragraph, so the reader knows what position you are taking.
• Secondary evidence – you must prove your thesis with credible and trustworthy research, therefore you must have in-text citations.
• Explanation of evidence – you must show the reader WHY your examples are important to proving your thesis, and HOW they work in your favor.
• Works Cited page: You paper will have at least two sources, but no more than four.
Objectives and goals:

• Generate research skills: clearly state your critique of the situation while synthesizing it with your own ideas and opinions, without using first person.
• Continue to focus: what details should you include and what should you leave out? How can you make sure your claim is persuasive without alienating your audience?
• Use concrete and specific examples and quotes to support your position and cite them correctly.

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