Annotated Bibliography #1uidelines for Annotated BibliographyCourse Outcome
#3 Describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the nursing profession.Course Outcome
#4 Recognize how self-awareness of personal values, knowledge and competencerelate to the practice of nursing.From the CINAHL Literature Search assignment previously completed, choose two articles, each ofwhich you must relate to one of the various nursing concepts you are studying in this course. Note: Ajournal article does not include editorials or regular features/columns.ANNOTATED
BIBLIOGRAPHY #1: From the literature search assignment, choose one of the articlesand write an annotated bibliography of that article. An annotated bibliography is a condensed review ofthe information provided in the body of the article. The instructions below will help you to write anappropriate annotated bibliography. An example will be provided. The faculty will then provide youwith feedback of your assignment.
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY #2: From the literature search assignment, choose a different articleand write an annotated bibliography of that article. The difference in this assignment is that you mustinclude a third paragraph addressing the feedback and how you made corrections.Instructions for writing the annotated bibliography:
1. Include a header with the student’s name and indicate which annotated bibliography (#1 or #2).
2. Write a brief summary of the article (two or three paragraphs).
3. Discuss how the information n the article might inform your practice of nursing.
4. Limit the length to one double-spaced page. Any part of the annotated bibliography on a secondpage will not be read and will likely result in a loss of points. On the second page is where youwill address any feedback faculty provided and how you made changes on the secondannotated bibliography (this applies to annotated bibliography #2 only).
5. Cite the journal article as a reference in APA format.6. Assignment needs to be submitted online in Canvas.