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Give an example of a security issue that came about through use of an information technology? Elaborate on the reasons for the security breach as well as what was done in response to the situation.


(Discussion) Network Security and Data Loss

Research and give an example of a high profile case that involved the loss of data.
Give an example of a security issue that came about through use of an information technology? Elaborate on the reasons for the security breach as well as what was done in response to the situation.

Infamously known as the largest data breach in history, the IT giant’s string of unfortunate events does not seem to end, with one of the latest additions to its being the data breach that resulted in one of the Internet’s most notorious cases of a data breach.

The leak included individuals’ names, email IDs, Birthdays and Security questions/answers of at least 500 million Yahoo accounts.

This just goes to emphasize how no company is too big for a digital breach and no firewall too hard to scale.

In a more recent development, Yahoo has agreed to pay $50 million in damages and provide two years of free credit-monitoring services to 200 million people whose email addresses and other personal information were stolen as part of history’s biggest security breach.


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