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Did you see, or did the authors acknowledge, any threats to external or internal validity?What is the central research question guiding the research?

Article review should be at least two full pages in length (double spaced). Please use 12 pt. Times New Roman, or Arial font.  The article review must include the full bibliographic reference of the article, the major research question that the article was asking and the major arguments of the article.  The best reviews will reflect that you engaged with the article, and will include significant discussion of the methods used to research the question.

Answer the following in the article review:

  1. What is the central research question guiding the research?
  2. What methods are used to investigate this question
    1. How were the data obtained?
    2. Was the study cross sectional or longitudinal?
    3. Was the research qualitative or quantitative?
    4. How were the data analyzed?
    5. Did you see, or did the authors acknowledge, any threats to external or internal validity?
  3. What were the results of the study?
  4. Why are these results important?


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