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Identify a significant health risk for a specific life stage defined by the CDC and find an objective from Healthy People 2020 that is appropriate for that life stage.

Identify a significant health risk for a specific life stage defined by the CDC and find an objective from Healthy People 2020 that is appropriate for that life stage. The components of this paper are: A title page, an abstract, an introduction, the body of the paper, a conclusion and a reference list

The paper should include:
1. National, state and local statistics for your identified health concern/target group.
2. Discuss the general principles of health promotion/disease prevention i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary, and give an example at each level for your health concern/target group.
3. A behavior change/health belief model and its impact on health promotion for your target group.
4. Give an example of a national, a state and a local health promotion/disease prevention initiative or resource related to the health risk identified that will lead to achieving the Healthy People 2020 objective for your target group.
5. Describe four (4) roles of the registered professional nurse directly related to assisting the target group/population in meeting the Healthy People 2020 objective.

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