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What are you learning about your thesis statement on Special Populations of Gifted Learners? Organize data into one paragraph using a logical narrative to connect information.

What are you learning about your thesis statement on Special Populations of Gifted Learners?

As you conduct the literature review using peer-reviewed publications, summarize author research in the Literature Review, identify relevant concepts to construct a conceptual framework, and select data to summarize in the Findings section. Begin the draft with a revised introduction and end the study describing outcomes, “proof” of the thesis statement, practical applications, and areas for further study. Add a title page, first and second level headings, text citations and references in APA style 7th ed.

How is Part II organized?

III. Literature Review

Organize literature review into five or more paragraphs.
Summarize research from each author in its own paragraph.
Develop logical narrative in each paragraph by relating research to the thesis statement.
Transition from one paragraph to the next by “connecting” the last sentence of a paragraph to the first sentence of the next paragraph.
Include three text citations in each Literature Review paragraph.
Conceptual Framework

Identify three or more concepts that emerge from research in the Literature Review.
Define, explain, and illustrate each concept in its own paragraph.
Develop logical narrative in each paragraph by relating concept to thesis statement.
Organize concepts into a “framework” by connecting each paragraph with transitional statements.
Include three text citations in each Conceptual Framework paragraph.

Identify data related to thesis statement that emerged in the Literature Review
Organize data into one paragraph using a logical narrative to connect information.
Include three text citations in Findings paragraph.

Explain how the study impacted your purpose, question, and thesis statement.
State whether the study “confirmed,” “modified,” or “denied” your thesis statement.
Suggest two applications of study to your professional setting.
Suggest two areas for further study.

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