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Describe Gianna’s conversationalskills.In particular, is sheproviding contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how?

1.Calculate Gianna’s MLU,say in what stage of grammatical development sheis, and  whether this is appropriate for her age. Give examples of utterances with different morphemes and show that you can count them.

2.What type of sentencesdoes Gianna produce? Are there more declaratives, negatives, or questions in the sample?Are there complex sentencesat all?DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE

3.Describe Gianna’s conversationalskills.In particular, is sheproviding contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how? And how is s/he repairing miscommunications?Provide and interpret examples.

4.Are there examples of situationally-appropriate language?Provide and interpret examples.IMPORTANT TIPS-Calculate MLU following the detailed instructions given in the lecture. -Give actual numbers of declarative, negative sentences etc. Do not just say “most sentences are declarative.”-Pay close attention to the definition of declarative sentences(these must minimally have a verb and a subject; “yes”, or “the black cat”are notdeclarative sentences) and of complex sentences(these must have two verbs and two clauses, not just be long!)

-Discuss your findings integrating information from thetextbook and the lecture materials.-Refer to Sample Assignment 2 to see what is expectedIMPORTANT TIPS-Provide actual examples of conversational turns and interpretthem; do not just copy and paste entire segments of your transcription without explaining the exchange.

-Use the terminology learned in the course to discuss the child’s conversational or narrative skills.

-Discuss your findings integrating information from thetextbook and the lecture materials.

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