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Would you retain or reject the null hypothesis? What are limitations that must be considered in interpreting the results?

Assignment Scenario
The town of Brant has started an after-school program for high school youth to prepare them for the ACT college entrance examination. The after-school program had 29 youth participants; the program manager compared their ACT scores with the ACT scores of 36 similar high school youth who did not participate in the after-school program. The program manager wants to determine if the after-school program had a positive effect on ACT scores. You will use the Unit 5 Dataset, given in the resources, to complete this assignment.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, complete the following in a one-page, APA-formatted paper:
1. Review the tutorial in the unit study, which demonstrates t tests using two different scenarios. Then determine which type of t test to conduct. Once you have determined that, answer the following:
o What is the sample size?
o What is the sample mean of each group?
2. Identify the following factors based on the table you develop in SPSS:
o Mean difference.
o T obtained (t).
o Degrees of freedom (df).
o Significance (two-tailed).
3. Write a brief narrative explaining the implications of your findings based on the value of the test statistic:
o Would you retain or reject the null hypothesis?
o What are limitations that must be considered in interpreting the results?
Be sure to attach the Unit 5 Dataset, given in the resources.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

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