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Develop a purpose statement. What are you trying to accomplish by sharing this information?

Kuleana Project:

The purpose of this assignment is to share the new knowledge you have gained as a result of the learning experiences, discussions, reflection, critical thinking, and collaborations in this course.  Consider one theme, theory, current event, idea or element of multicultural education that has significantly challenged your thinking this semester and changed your perspective.  You will conduct further research on the area of choice and create a Public Service Announcement.  Through this project you will have the opportunity to share your perspective (backed by research), spread knowledge, and hopefully inspire others to take action and make a difference.


– TOPIC:  Foster Care System

-Develop a purpose statement.  What are you trying to accomplish by sharing this information?

-Conduct research on your topic.  Consider both/all perspectives.  Ask questions, seek answers.  Be mindful of your sources.  Are they credible?

-Use the rubric below to cover all necessary points in your presentation.

-Create PowerPoint

Component Points Comments

Title, Author, Topic and Purpose of Presentation (to inspire action or thought)

10 points


Directly connects to MCE topics presented and explored in course.

20 points


Presentation connects with viewer, prompting critical thinking and analysis.

10 points

Backed by Research:

Presentation provides at least  4 pieces of data/research/theory to support purpose with credible resources appropriately cited (APA) at the end of presentation.  Opposing view is also refuted/addressed.

40 points


Presentation inspires the viewer to take action or consider one’s own thinking, providing guidance/ additional resources (if necessary).

10 points

Overall Presentation:

-Well organized


-Visual Supports (photos, videos, diagrams, graphs, statistics)

-Well Spoken/Written (volume, clarity)

-Within time limit

(1-2 minutes)

10 points



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