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Write a reflection of approximately 250 words on the group work activity considering the following; what worked well and why, what role you chose, why you chose this role, what you learned, what you would do differently next time (if anything).

The objective of this task is to reflect on group work activity so students can learn from successes and possible mistakes.
Task Description:
In this task you should write a reflection of approximately 250 words on the group work activity considering the following; what worked well and why, what role you chose, why you chose this role, what you learned, what you would do differently next time (if anything).
PS: Regarding the group work subject, refer to order #666769. Stress on the fact that the submitted work is the result of a coordination and group work on all the sections of the report.
2- Title: Peer Assessment Words count: 6 reviews, 100 words each = total: 600 Order details (same for each review): Task Objective: This task develops the student’s ability to make judgments and justify a point of view. It also develops the ability to give constructive feedback to peers.
Task Description: Peer assess your fellow member’s contribution to the group work task. In this task you are required to peer assess your fellow group members’ contribution to the group activity. You should write a review of approximately 100 words for each group member and grade each member out of 10. You may wish to use the following format:
Group Number:Peer Review Marks (out of 10)Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6 PS: Regarding the group work subject, please refer to orders #666769 and the previous part “1- Title: Reflections”.
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