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Critically evaluate the current policy with regards to the curriculum and how it is assessed?

– Critically evaluate the current policy with regards to the curriculum and how it is assessed?

-What are the recent and emerging policies relating to the teaching and assessment in English- Teaching of Reading.

-Are there any new recent innovations or new practices in English?

-What does the research/ Literature/ curriculum documentations have to say about the current policy in English? Compare research, literature and policy.

-How does the literature and research relate to policy?

-What do others say about the policy?

-Are there any limitations?

-Are there any strengths?

-Compare and contrast the different perspectives!


Present policy for the teaching and assessment of reading in Primary English. You could refer to a number of key policy documents in relation to this topic: NC, Phonics Screening Check, KS1 test, Independent review of the teaching of reading and the Teachers standards- TS3.

I do not require an originality report as I can check upon this myself.

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