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Identify the primary cause of the accident as cited by the NTSB. State whether you agree or disagree with these findings and provide rationale for this decision.

You will be assigned an NTSB aircraft accident investigation report by the instructor at the beginning of the term. In Module/Week 7, you will provide a 5-7 page critical analysis of the NTSB accident report in APA 7 format. The Title Page and References page do not count towards the page requirement. All sources, including the NTSB, the Bible, and three additional sources must be cited according to current APA format.

Identify the primary cause of the accident as cited by the NTSB. State whether you agree or disagree with these findings and provide rationale for this decision. Additionally, identify the underlying factor(s) that led up to the cause of the accident; typically these are not addressed by the NTSB but may have played more of a role in the accident than given credit by the NTSB. Then address the recommended actions that pilots can take if they find themselves in similar situations as those presented in your assigned accident case study.

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