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What does that mean? Does he need to improve in the decoding of new words? In the fluent reading of sentences? Or in understanding what he read?Discuss.

Special Education: Accommodation and Modification

What is a SMART IEP? Well it’s SMART IEP goals, and these goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Results-Oriented. And we’ll get to “T” on the next slide. You can read through this slide on your own, but I think it’s helpful to look at the comparison between a non SMART IEP goal, and a SMART IEP goal.

“Adam will be a better reader,” well what does that mean? Does he need to improve in the decoding of new words? In the fluent reading of sentences? Or in understanding what he read?

On this chart you have the opportunity to explore examples of goals that do not fit the various characteristics of SMART and see how they can be revised to improve in each area. These improvements not only make the goal easier to understand for all readers but also ensures that this goal can be seamlessly continued if the student went through a move out of district in the middle of the school year for example..

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