Watch the two videos and answer the questions
a) In discussions and debates, individuals from opposite sides of the issue disagree either on how relevant terms are defined , what the facts are, and on what has a higher value than another. Do you sense disagreement in facts and/or in definitions in both videos? If so, which facts and/or definitions? I don’t have to ask about disagreement in value because that’s obvious. If you’re pro-choice, the choice of the mother is higher than life of the fetus. If you’re pro-life, ‘life’ has a higher value than choice.
b) Whose position and whose reasons echo or come close to your own. . Support that position more using the language of the course. You have the advantage of having learned a theoretical language and not just stay in what you feel or believe.
c) Whose position and reasoning disquiets/unsettles/bothers you most and why?
d) What do you consider the most difficult objection to your position– the objection that gives you pause and makes you re-consider and rethink your position from time to time, even if in the end you still hold on to your position.