1) List the values of your:
(a) Age- 34
(b) BMI- 32.1
(c) Waist to Hip Ratio [WHR] and- 0.91
(d) Waist to Height Ratio [WtHR]- 0.8
(2) For each method (a), (b), and (c)—what would be the value expected if a healthy person of your gender?
(3) How do the values from BMI, Waist to Hip Ratio [WHR], and Waist to Height [WtHR] compare? How well do these three methods agree with each other? For example: If your BMI number put you in the Obese category—did WHR and/or WtHR values give you a similar interpretation of your health status? Suggestion: take another look at the “Why BMI Is Flawed” article.
(4) Given what you have learned about the BMI, WHR, and WtHR methods–determine the healthy weight for you, personally. Explain why or how you decided on that number.