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Discuss how each treatment/intervention will positively affect the service member’s or veteran’s life if properly implemented.

Review Brain Basics and the associated readings for this week, familiarizing yourself with the major parts of the brain and the functions each control.

Include the following elements based upon your review of Brain Basics:

Develop your own scenario that involves a combat related injury resulting in a TBI affecting an area of the brain.
Descriptions of symptoms that correlate to the sustained injury.
Areas to discuss might include symptoms manifested in the cognitive, emotional, sensory, neurological, psychomotor, physiological, psychological functions.
At least two examples of barriers that might be encountered in daily life because of the injury and manifested symptoms.
Identify appropriate treatment or intervention methods to minimize the effects of the experienced symptoms.
Discuss how each treatment/intervention will positively affect the service member’s or veteran’s life if properly implemented.
Work should be submitted in a Word document (doc. or docx.) or other compatible word processing document (.rtf), and be 4 to 6 pages in length, excluding the required title and reference page.

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