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What could coffeehouse customers learn from the newspapers and magazines they read?-How did coffeehouses represent a new type of social interaction?

Read and Answer

The expanding change in thought during the Enlightenment may not have been possible without coffeehouses and salons. A product of the thriving metropolitan scene, these places allowed for the sharing of ideas that, through debate, typified city life in the eighteenth century.

For this week’s Participation Activity, read “Documenting Everyday Life” on page 515 of your textbook and answer the following:

  • According to Saussure, who patronized coffeehouses, and why?
  • What could coffeehouse customers learn from the newspapers and magazines they read?
  • How did coffeehouses represent a new type of social interaction?
  • And lastly, can the advent of the Internet be viewed as a 21st-century Enlightenment coffeehouse? Why or why not?

The format and length of your submission is up to you. just make certain to: write in complete sentences, double space, and proof read before completion to eliminate grammatical errors


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