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Write a sales letter. Choose any product or service and write e a letter to persuade me to buy it from you.

Write a letter (350-500 words)

We have learned in chapter 7 the importance of persuasive messages in Business environment. You will definitely receive and write such messages. We looked in chapter 7 at several types of messages that need to be persuasive and we also looked at the basic guidelines and principles to be considered when you try to persuade people.

  • https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2821595&path=uploads/questions/1327687/20230424201451ch_07.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_1

Choose one of the following tasks:

  • 1-Write a sales letter. Choose any product or service and write e a letter to persuade me to buy it from you.
  • 2-Write a negative feedback letter. Consider yourself an angry customer who had a bad experience with a product or a service and write me your negative feedback.


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