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What group of people are bearing an unfair share of an environmental burden, and what is that burden?

GEO 1330 environmental science

Pick a conflict in the United States that interests you, read the complete entry on the conflict, and consult some of the linked resources. (Note that entries vary in how much information is provided and it will be easier to pick an entry that has more information.)

Answer the following questions:

  1. What was the name of the conflict and the weblink for the EJAtlas entry? [2 points]
  2. What group of people are bearing an unfair share of an environmental burden, and what is that burden? [6 points]
  3. What factor or factors seem to be perpetuating the environmental injustice? [6 points]
  4. What would you propose as a fair solution to the conflict if you were in a position of power? [6 points]


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