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What is typically said about the genre you’ve chosen? How have scholars defined and interpreted the Myth, Conventions and Iconography of the genre? (Think of this as equivalent to the similar work we’ll do regarding our own genre in class.)

Thesis-Driven Research Paper about its historical evolution, emphasizing TWO specific American films of your choice, one released in or before 1960, the other released from 1960-present. The films must also have been released at least 30 years apart. Be sure to include a bibliography with at least three sources from outside of class.

Think of your goal with this research paper as twofold — first, I want you to show me you’ve done enough research that you’re aware of the ongoing scholarly conversation about your selected genre. What is typically said about the genre you’ve chosen? How have scholars defined and interpreted the Myth, Conventions and Iconography of the genre? (Think of this as equivalent to the similar work we’ll do regarding our own genre in class.)

Next, I want you to find a way to add to this conversation. By this point in the semester, you will officially be a film scholar! So, I expect you to find elements of the on-going conversation to which you can contribute and respond. The two films you select are a perfect way to do this — so be sure to consider this when you choose them.

If you don’t have an argument, you don’t have a paper — don’t make the mistake of merely writing “reports” on your genre in which you simply repeat facts and data you’ve read in research sources. De-emphasize encyclopedia-type sources (e.g. filmsite.org) in favor of scholarly texts that make interpretive arguments about films and film history. Remember that a primary goal of the class is training you to participate in shaping Film History. Don’t lose sight of the ways our class is giving you skills and concepts to use in your writing!

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