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What are the conclusions drawn from the articles in relation to your topic?Are there conflicting findings among the articles?

Refer to the articles in attachment for this assignment :
In this DB, you will synthesize the four research articles about your topic discussed in Modules 1 & 2. A synthesis includes an analysis of the aggregate of articles, not the individual articles. e.g. clustering and interrelating ideas from the studies to form an overall representation of the conceptual definitions, descriptions, interventions, instruments, and strengths and weaknesses of the body of knowledge represented by the articles. See the examples in Chapter 7 (in particular, Synthesizing Sources and Discussion of Empirical Literature) and Chapter 18 related to Quantitative Research in Gray, Grove, & Sutherland (2017). This is a discussion, not a paper! Be succinct and refer to the questions below.

Use the following questions to synthesize your four articles:
1. What are the conclusions drawn from the articles in relation to your topic?

2. Identify similarities and differences of the studies. These may include a discussion of the samples, research designs, and findings, for example.

3. Are there conflicting findings among the articles?

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