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Why is the graph misleading? How would you redesign the graph so that it is less misleading? What impression is conveyed by the graph?

Answer the question.

The bar graph below shows the number of car accidents occurring in one city in each of the years 2001 through 2006. The number of accidents dropped in 2003 after a new speed limit was imposed. Why is the graph misleading? How would you redesign the graph so that it is less misleading? What impression is conveyed by the graph?

Answer the question.

A television manufacturer sold three times as many televisions in 2006 as it did in 1996. To illustrate this fact, the manufacturer draws a pictogram as shown below. The television on the right is three times as tall and three times as wide as the television on the left.

Why is this pictogram misleading? What visual impression is portrayed by the pictogram?

Solve the problem. Round monetary amounts to the nearest dollar.

Packages of a certain candy vary slightly in weight. Here are the measured weights of nine packages, in ounces:

a. Find the mean and the median of these weights.
b. Which, if any, of these weights would you consider to be an outlier?
c. What are the mean and median weights of the outlier is excluded?

Provide an appropriate response.

Dave is a college student contemplating a possible career option. One factor that will influence his decision is the amount of money he is likely to make. He decides to look up the average starting salary of graduates in that profession. Which information would be most useful to him, the mean starting salary, the median starting salary, or the mode of the starting salaries. Why?

Provide an appropriate response.

The histogram shows the weights of 314 hockey players. Over the histogram, draw a smooth curve that captures its general features. Then classify the distribution according to its number of modes and its symmetry or skewness. In words, summarize the meaning of your results.

Provide an appropriate response.

Due to poor sales, a company eliminated 705 jobs, of which 135 were full-time positions and 570 were part-time positions. Twenty-five percent of the 300 men in full-time positions lost their jobs, while 20% of the 300 women in full-time positions lost their jobs. 80% of the 150 men in part-time positions lost their jobs, and 75% of the 600 women in part-time positions lost their jobs. Explain why this is an example of Simpson’s paradox and how the paradox arises.

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